Archive for the ‘Wildlife’ Category

Holidays and good times.

March 24, 2011

The first holiday of the year will soon be upon me,Well up for some sun and fun after a stint of falking hard work by both myself and the lovely Mrs B,We have been putting in some top efforts on the work front and are due some down time.

The weather is picking up here now (Today is spot on) and the sunshine brings a smile to faces that were grim just a month ago. The garden is shooting to life again and the wildlife is moving back in,The resident hedgehog came out for a wander a few nights back and is looking good after its winter sleep.Spring is a great time of year.

Good to see some top class reviews of my mate Dan’s play in the news he deserves the best after putting in a lot of work,Good luck with all you do mate. I am hoping that ” Our style is legendary” plays in its home town of Nottingham,I would love to see it played here and it would be good to catch up with Dan again.

Speaking of the arts i am well chuffed to see we are again going to be having some outdoor theatre up at Notts Castle, i shall be having a portion of that later in the year.

Anyroad its time i got stuck into prepping for dinner,Have a good one and stay safe out there.

Loads of finch and the odd tit.

September 2, 2009

Off out for the pre holiday haircut today.Ya gotta get down to the wood when you are gunna get some sun on your nut.All over with the number one blade and only a fiver,now that is a bargain,I am not sure if my old barber Speedy is still working now as the new barbers seem to have taken all the custom, Way of the world i reckon!

I was just looking out at the bird feeders and i reckon the birds are getting through 3 maybe 4 kilos of feed a week from us alone, as all the feeders are full of birds and about 20 more birds forming a disorderly queue to get on um. Those folks selling bird food are on to a winner!

Anyroad i am off to get my hair cut,i might get my throat cut whilst im there.

Have a good one,Oh and thanks to the gaffer for the call yesterday to see if i could work the night shift last night…..What do you think?

Circus passing by…

August 17, 2009

The street theater is well on form today,what with the pot bellied neanderthal man shouting at his kids and the reply from the gollum like child of  “Fuck Off “, i just know that this shite will go on into the night. Mind you we have been lucky the last few weeks so i can’t moan….Can I ?

I spent a bit of time pruning one of our trees today and ended up covered in spiders and bugs to the point where i had two yes two in my mouth..They don’t taste good i can tell ya. The tree looks better for it but it has put me off doing the job again!!

A nice piece of smoked haddock and mash for our dinner tonight so there should be a bit of wind about as there is a large portion of mushy peas alongside of it..I do like the fart joke,Puerile i know but i like purile me.

Anyroad i’m off to peel the spuds.Have a good one and take care eh?

Seven days and counting…

June 16, 2009

Just one week today and we will be off to the sun,Back to the factory tomorrow night for the night shifts then I’m done, The lovely Mrs B finishes on Friday so we are well chuffed. Lets hope for a good week eh?

The weather is nice today though rain is forecast there is no sign of it yet,Perhaps an hour on the patio is in order?

Another stabbing here in Hood Town over the weekend, How shit is that, You just never know when your time is coming nowadays eh? Is it ever gunna end?

A nice sight earlier today as a flock of Blue Tits swooped in on our bird feeders,odd to see really as we normally only get the one pair come in, and i managed to hit the big fat ginger cat on the back today, A well aimed lob with a bottle opener (All i had at hand) hit the mark,Meee Owwwww!

Anyroad i’m off for a shower,take care out there you lot!

A Lovely Day.

May 30, 2009


How nice is it to have the sun shining down eh? Gives me a chance of topping up the tan in prep for the holiday. Mrs B has nipped up to the hairdressers for the holiday trim then we are off into Hood Town for a spot of shopping,might even grab a cold one in the Bell if i behave…

Also it is good to see frogs back in the garden,Lets hope that they and the hedgehogs scoop up all the slugs and snails eh? The garden  is looking lush now that we have had a few days of sun on it,Mind you those of you with lawns will be cursing it as the grass grows so fast that you can almost watch it grow.

Anyroad i’m off for a shower then into town,have a good weekend you lot and enjoy the sun.

The nature of the beast.

May 28, 2009

A very busy week at the factory and we all put in that extra bit to see the job through, And i reckon all of us were well looking forward to these days off! i dint get up till 11 today so i must have been running on empty on my last shift eh? Only the night shifts to go then our gaffer is off on his hols then it’s my turn to jet off.

 Planning is ongoing for the September hols and the added bonus of young Master B coming along with us is yet another target to aim at,Mind you i think we have something in planning for our anniversary in August?? Life is good.

Bad news on the streets of Hood Town as another victimof the gun dies, and another gets stabbed, I must say it gives me a feeling of dread when young Master B is out on the town,Well you never know what you are gunna walk into do ya?

Good news on the garden front as Grunt our resident Hedgehog has shown his face, Mrs B spotted him the other evening (I had gone to bed early) trundling around the garden scooping up snails. i hope we see some new borns again this year,It’s good to know that we are doing our bit for nature.

Oh and my lastest piece of skin art is looking good now the scabby bits are coming away, I am off up the tatt shop on friday with Master B,he is getting some of those crappy tribal things put on,Whilst i am there i shall discuss the ways of getting a longer session on my back to get it done quicker.

Anyroad i got a bit of shopping to do for tonights dinner so i’m off, Take care out there!

A swift un.

May 12, 2009

That’s the working week behind me and with a few cold ones out the front of the pub last night a good end to another hard week, now a few days off and a good start as i did not wake up till well after half ten today,I have been well looking forward to catching up on the sleep i can tell ya.

Outside catering tonight so no cooking for me..Nice!

Off out shopping with the lovely Mrs B on Friday,Mind you i had best slip on the kevlar vest as there is a sniper about in Bulwell not quite what you want while you are shopping.

Good to see the sun shining and the garden looking good,i even managed to get a little fat guz-gog of my bush before the birds and bugs got to it,The whole garden is in tip top condition (All Mrs Bs work) thanks to my watering skills.

Anyroad i am off for a brew now,Have a good one and mind you don’t cop a pellet in the eye if you are out and about in Hood Town.

kicking back.

April 26, 2009

The days off are here again after what has been an unusually tough week of day shifts,No drinks after work this week due to the shifts ending on a Saturday and us all wanting to spend some quality time with our loved ones..Next time on days the whole crew will be up the pub for a debrief and a few pints after the last shift..Nice!

It is good to see the garden in full bloom again and the bugs, birds and the rest of the wildlife taking advantage of it,Even my Guz-Gogs are getting fatter..Soon be picking and eating them before the birds get um.

A few chores tomorow and my tattoo on Tuesday so i reckon plenty of chillin time in between should do me some good. Every day brings the holiday nearer eh?

Anyroad i’m off to look at some interweb..Have a good one and take care out there.

Just done.

November 17, 2008

Good to see the back of that stint at the factory,Douggie was missed,But not i have four days off it makes it worthwhile. Mind you saying that ,it is a full time job keeping the squirrel’s in nuts nowadays as we are bunging out a kilo a day to keep um happy,I reckon there aint a spot in the garden without a nut buried in it!

The garden gets busy this time of year but i reckon it’s worth the effort to keep the wild creatures in food eh!

Anyroad i’m off up to Mozzers for some shopping,Have a good one you lot and take care.

No shit Shirlock.

November 4, 2008

So the Nottingham city council are now thinking of a Robin Hood logo to promote Hood town,After throwing away 120 grand on the wonkey N, Get your act together will ya,Did the people of Hood town tell you they wanted it when you buggered about with the logo last time.

The above picture is from a pub i went to last year in Lloret,Instant Hood town recognition i reckon.Bring  Robin back to Hood town with pride!

I have read that hedgehogs are in decline so i am well chuffed to say that we now have two resident spikey friends as we now have a youngster snuffleing around the grounds here at Barnze Towers, Our adult Hedgepig Grunt has given birth for the second time in three years. The lovely Mrs B sees to it that they are fed and watered every night so we are doing well with them. And keeping those bastard cats away does um good unall!

Anyroad i’m off for a brew,Have a good one you lot and take care out there.From Hero to Zero.