Archive for the ‘Scrotes’ Category

Circus passing by…

August 17, 2009

The street theater is well on form today,what with the pot bellied neanderthal man shouting at his kids and the reply from the gollum like child of  “Fuck Off “, i just know that this shite will go on into the night. Mind you we have been lucky the last few weeks so i can’t moan….Can I ?

I spent a bit of time pruning one of our trees today and ended up covered in spiders and bugs to the point where i had two yes two in my mouth..They don’t taste good i can tell ya. The tree looks better for it but it has put me off doing the job again!!

A nice piece of smoked haddock and mash for our dinner tonight so there should be a bit of wind about as there is a large portion of mushy peas alongside of it..I do like the fart joke,Puerile i know but i like purile me.

Anyroad i’m off to peel the spuds.Have a good one and take care eh?

Ally ally aster,

July 17, 2009

Rain…More rain and a bit of drizzle, What happened to the heatwave the met office promised us eh? Mind you it’s good for the garden so not all bad news!

A nice lump of rib eye for my dinner tonight and a fresh rainbow trout for the lovely Mrs B,A  hedgehog potatoe and some sugar snap peas to round it up and sorted.

I have just read about this senseless attack on a bloke pushing a pushchair with his eight week old daughter in it..How fucked is that eh? Who would do something like that? Nothing and no one is immune from this kind of attack nowadays, i reckon you have got to be some special kind of nutter to do that kind of thing. Lets hope the attacker gets whats due eh?

Anyroad i’m off to slash my spuds. Have a good weekend and stay safe .

Hard labour.

June 7, 2009

Nice to see the rip off artists ousted from the county hall…Good riddence to um! Nuff said on that i reckon.

Rain,good for the garden but its keeping us indoors…Mind you with only two weeks to go till we fly out, who gives one?

Oh and i must mention the bad attitude of the youth of today,I had a scroat get his face in mine yesterday,all puffed up and red faces he was, mind you all talk and no action,They make me sick with all their showboating. Its about time they all fucked off and lived together is some gated immature housing scheme. Get some respect!

Off for a game or two..Have a good one and take care as you never know who is gunna turn on you!

Edited after my mistake was pointed out….Ooops.


April 1, 2009

Only one shift left out of this weeks toil and my feet have divorced the rest of my body..A full on bag of shit we have been up against this week i can tell ya. Tonight has got to be a steady one!!! Sometimes the work piles up in front of us and we just have to wade through it but i reckon we hit top quota and the last shift should be a bare foot walk in cool wet grass. I can only hope!

Good news on the factory front is that Maz has come over to our team from another crew and is a bonus for us..We now have a strong team again,So bring it on.

What with having both the public hols off over Easter Mrs B has suggested a day out at the seaside..Skeg-vegas i think,A bag of chips a pint and a paddle in the sea is well in order. I ain’t been to Skeggy for years, though i doubt it has changed much.

Anyroad i’m off to reconcile my feet with my legs..Have a good one and take care.

Under the gun.

March 11, 2009

I have booked my two hours worth of pain up at the Tattooist’s for next Thursday, Dropped off my design today so i am well looking forward to that. He seemed chuffed with the design and quoted 120 quid for the job.Not a bad price for the amount of art work i reckon.

I am well into the Dark Tower audio books on my ipod,On book 3 at the moment and i can recomend um to ya,a good story so far and 5 more books to go.

Anyroad it’s time for a brew and a fist full of fags so i’m off.Have a good one and stay safe.

Barnze say’s.Message to the cunt who vandalised the statue of Robin Hood over the weekend..”Die ya bastard”.

Exit stage left!

November 18, 2008

The street theatre was performing again last night as pissed up twats shouted and fell into the hedges of us normal folk..How come people get so pissed they have to shout at each other from a foot away?

To top it off nextdoor to us had some cavity wall insulation installed today and the noise of it woke me early so a rough night and an early morning did nowt for my mood.

Not a bad day though today and my mood lifted once i got to the shops,A bit of a stir fry tonight so not much prepping to do untill it’s time to cook.And to lift my spirits even more i managed to lob my slipper at that big fat ginger cat hitting it’s arse as it buggered off out of the garden..Nice!

Anyroad i’m off for a fistfull of fags and a bucket of tea.Have a good one and stay safe out there.

Stew Weather.

November 3, 2008

As the days get colder as we go on towards crimbo i have decided it’s stew time .. The pot is simmering down there in the kitchen and the smell is brill.we get a good couple of days feed out of that one pot and with a few dumplings in i reckon it’s one of the good things about this time of year.

It’s National Dyslexia week this week so thank fuck for spell checkers eh..not that i don’t use it all the time as my spelling is shite at the best of times..

A bit of a rough time coming up at the factory as we need to set on a couple of bods before the crimbo rush and i reckon we will be a man down for a few weeks at least..Shit happens eh?

Anyroad i’m off to stir the stew.Have a good one and take care out there.

Coma or Sleep?

September 15, 2008

I tell ya what no matter how good ya hols are it’s allus good to get in ya own bed..i slept like a log last night..Mind you i got to bed late after watching Schindler’s List again,A cracking film i reckon. Anyroad if it weren’t for the dustbin men waking me up at just gone 8 i would have slept till dinner time.

I hear that the old Co-Op will be closed for about a month for fitting out and by the looks on the faces of staff in other shops they are making it pay while they can, I reckon there ain’t one person that’s gunna miss the old dump.. Mind you it would be good to see the old bingo place as a pile of rubble..I can only wish!

Back to the factory on Thursday night and i am hoping that Douggie is well enough to get back to work by then, The poor fucker has a trapped sciatic nerve and i know how that feels.. But as i shall be gaffer i need him to be fit n well.

Anyroad i am off to prep for tonight’s meal..Have a good one and mind ya backs..

Chuffed to be here?

August 29, 2008

Hood Town has cropped up in the top ten most cheerful places… how true that is but how come we ain’t in the top five eh? i should have had a vote i reckon! mind you we would be happy eh our drugs culture is thriving despite another factory closing down. We are all too stoned to be misarable.

Oh and speaking of of our neighbours was burning some shite yesterday and made all my washing stink to fuck..cheers for the concideration…Again..these day there is no need to busn ya rubbish..recycle it’s the done thing…oh well back in the washing machine again eh? we had a lovely community a couple of years back and now it’s like living in a fucking war zone.

I am off up the shops for a gloat..Have a good one !

Back from shopping with more good news..according to my bod on the inside, Morrison’s are taking the bingo hall as well as the Co-Op..made my day that did..just when i thought it could not get any better…get in there!

Goodbye Mr yo face!

July 15, 2008

Another stabbing here in Hood Town, and in the face this time.. So much for knife crime dropping eh?

Just heard from some of the staff in the Co-Op that they are being told who is taking over the shop today..i am hoping for Morrisons but they think Tesco..owt will do just as long as the Co-Op closes i shall be happy. I hope that some of the staff stay on to work in the new shop and i hope some of um just bugger off. Those who hide all day behind the fag counter can go. Up their own arses most of the time i reckon.

Who ever takes the shop on is a bouns to me..every little helps as they say!

Anyroad i’m off to trim the hedge…Have a good one and stay safe out there.